So we haven't got any Electric vehicles just yet at the dealership but we're very excited to see the arrival of both the ŠKODA CITIGOᵉ iV, and the ŠKODA SUPERB iV and we can't wait to see what 2020 has in store for ŠKODA and what they'll be adding to the family. We thought we'd let you in on what the team here at Eastbourne is most excited for!
Our Electrification Expert at Birchwood ŠKODA is Paul; He had a chat with the team and here's what they thought...
We can't believe that by as early as 2025, up to 25 per cent of ALL ŠKODA vehicles delivered are going to be electrified and the CO2 emissions of the entire fleet are to be reduced by 30 per cent compared to 2015, how incredible is that!?.
We can't wait to see the new models,their design and how things will change within the range now that they're planning on updating their vehicles and helping to improve the environment by going greener.
We can't wait to see them up close and personal, bring on 2020- The Year of Electrification
As long as you have off-street parking, you can charge your electric car at home by having a dedicated home charger installed. This is usually the most convenient place to charge, particularly when you can plug-in overnight.
A dedicated home charging point will give you the fastest possible charging speeds, typically between 10 and 30 miles of range per hour plugged in.
Most home chargers have a cable attached, which you typically just plug in to your vehicle to start charging.
Home chargers are also available with a universal ‘Type 2’ socket that accepts a separate cable and plugs into your car in the same way.
These separate cables are often provided by the vehicle manufacturer but if you don’t receive one or need a spare, you can purchase them when ordering your home charger.
Electric cars can also be plugged into a standard 3-pin plug at home, however it takes longer to charge and the sockets do not have the required safety features of a dedicated charger, therefore it is not considered best practice.
By far one of the most important points that came up when we were chatting was the improvement in terms of the environment, encouraging car users to be kinder and cleaner in the way we drive. And what better way than by introducing Hybrid and Electric vehicles ready for a new year to begin. Even by simply educating ourselves as a dealership, we can then introduce this fantastic range to our customers.
Did you know that electric vehicles are also built to be more environmentally friendly than conventional vehicles? As the large battery inside your electric car can be recycled. By choosing an electric car, you can reduce your carbon footprint and pollution impact to help preserve our natural environment.
We're also so excited to see just how they compare to both diesel and petrol cars and what the differences will be once we get a chance to take them on the road! With the obvious advantage of being far more environmentally friendly, it's going to be impressive to see how they measure up to the current models and how far technology has come in order to make something like this a reality.