The selection of new and used vehicles that we have available at Birchwood Ford in Eastbourne and Hastings are among the finest around. Of course, buying a new or used vehicle is a major investment, often requiring a significant deposit followed by fixed monthly payments or substantial cash outlay. To help make purchasing more affordable, however, you may be planning on part exchanging or selling your current vehicle.
With the vehicle valuation tool from Birchwood Ford, you can now determine an accurate estimate of just how much your current car is worth - thus enabling you to calculate just how affordable investing in one of our new or used cars can be. Simply enter a few vehicle details - starting with your registration number - in the form below and you will be presented with an estimated value. We always like to carry out a full appraisal at our dealership to ensure the utmost accuracy, so completing this form is just the initial step.
Try it today in order to determine the value of your current car, and get in touch with our dealerships direct to learn more.